August 5
5:00 pm - Preschool Meet the Teacher
6:00 pm - All School Orientation
August 6
12:00 - 5:00 pm - 5th-8th Grade - Load Your Locker
2:00 - 4:00 pm - 10th-12th Grade - Load Your Locker
6:00 pm - 9th grade and All New High School Student Orientation & Load Your Locker
August 8
First Day of School!
1st Grade - Sight Words List
2nd Grade - Summer Reading Challenge
3rd Grade - Summer Reading Challenge
4th Grade - Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing by Judy Blume
5th Grade - Pay it Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde
6th Grade - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
7th Grade - The Maze Runner by James Dashner
8th Grade - Holes by Louis Sachar
9th Grade - The Giver by Lois Lowry
10th Grade - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
11th Grade - Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
12th Grade - 1984 by George Orwell
Middle School Book List
2024-2025 Book List
No books need to be purchased for students in K2-5th grade.
6th Grade History Books do not need to be purchased.
High School Book List
2024-2025 Book List
2024-2025 Uniforms
Supply Lists
K2-8th Grade Supply List
9th-12th Grade Supply List
Make ordering school supplies easy by clicking here and visiting the Olensky Brothers website.
This is a one-stop for your student's school supplies. The deadline to order supplies is July 5th.
Supplies will be delivered to the school.
How do we order and pay for lunches or snacks?
We are pleased to offer hot lunches daily along with choices of grille items, soup, salads, baked potatoes, snacks, dessert items, and drinks.
Each family has a prepaid cafeteria account in the FACTS Family Portal. Prior to your student ordering lunches or snacks, the pre-paid cafeteria account should have enough funds to cover the cost of the purchases. Every Sunday, parents will receive an automated email from FACTS as a reminder to add funds if the cafeteria’s cash balance is less than $40. This amount covers lunches for 1 student for 1 week. Funds can be added through the family portal by clicking on the Financial Tab and the Cafeteria Add Funds button.
Funds may also be added by sending payments to the school office. All payments must go through FACTS or the office for lunches. The cafeteria staff does not have access to your family’s fund balance.
Lunches can be ordered in advance for the day or the week by the parents through the FACTS Family Portal, or the students can place their lunch order each morning in their homeroom. The quantity of food prepared by our cafeteria is based on the number of lunches ordered each morning; therefore, orders must be placed in advance. If lunch has been pre-ordered, but your student is out sick for the day, please request the office staff to cancel the lunch order.
To ensure students are correctly charged, their orders are confirmed as they go through the cafeteria lines. The charges are posted to FACTS within 48 hours. Parents may see the list of charges for each student by clicking on the cafeteria balance amount in the family portal.
At the West Campus, the cafeteria may be open during break times for snack purchases for cash only. Break snacks are not recorded in FACTS.