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Cottage Hill Christian Academy recently welcomed its largest opening day enrollment in school history. Our school verse is Jeremiah 29:11 and our school leadership has been actively praying for God's guidance as we pursue His plan for CHCA. We know God has a plan for Cottage Hill Christian Academy to prosper; He has given us great hope and a bright future. As part of our discipleship journey to fulfill that plan, we are in year four of the "Warrior Legacy Fund." The money raised through this fund helps us fulfill our vision of becoming the choice for Christ-centered education in Mobile.

Please join us in prayer for CHCA and if God leads, help us leave a Legacy for your student and for those who will follow after. We are grateful to those who have sacrificially given throughout the years to help start, maintain, and improve Cottage Hill Christian Academy. Deuteronomy 3:1 tells us that there is a "season for everything and a time under heaven for every event," and we feel now is the time for Cottage Hill Christian Academy to move forward.

Our main goal for the "Warrior Legacy Fund" is participation by all stakeholders - school committee members, faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends of the Warrior family. As we strive to be all that God desires for us academically, spiritually, athletically, and artistically, we are trusting in God's plan and your commitment to helping secure the Legacy of Cottage Hill Christian Academy.

All gifts will be tax deductible and money raised through this fund will help:

• Improve our transportation    
• Improve our technology offerings    
• Improve our facilities at both the Church and West Campus    
• Improve academics and make curriculum updates

All who give will receive a CHCA Warrior Legacy Fund sticker for their car.




Tree of Honor    
The Tree of Honor located in Barnett Hall on the West Campus represents gifts of all kinds valued at $1,000.00 or more for capital improvements. Each leaf acknowledges, by name, the honoree.

Gifts of $1,000 or more will secure you a leaf on the Tree of Honor.    
Gifts of $5,000 or more will secure you a root on the Tree of Honor.

Every Gift Makes a Difference

At Cottage Hill Christian Academy, we view every gift as a major gift because every donation represents an individual or family who desires to partner with us in our mission of providing outstanding Christian education to our families.  

Legacy Fund Gifts    
The Legacy Fund consists of unrestricted gifts which will help further the work of Cottage Hill Christian Academy. Legacy Fund donations help bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of educating our students. Below is a list of some of the areas that have been improved since the launch of the Legacy Fund.

• Technology offerings    
• Updating facilities at both the Church Campus and West Campus    
• Science lab upgrades    
• Transportation additions

Please consider partnering with us as we work to further God's Kingdom through the work of Cottage Hill Christian Academy.


Restricted Gifts

These are given for a particular need. Whether it be for new teaching tools or for capital improvements, Restricted gifts are encouraged at Cottage Hill. Let us know how you would like to make a directed gift and we will be happy to work with you.


Online donations can be made to the Legacy Fund by clicking on this link: CHCA Legacy Fund Donation Link


Cash donations by check are the most common way to give. The Finance Office provides acknowledgments to meet IRS requirements for all contributions.


Several parents, alumni, and friends have made gifts to Cottage Hill Christian Academy using appreciated securities such as stocks and mutual funds. The attraction of this method of giving is that the donor is entitled to take a charitable deduction for the full current value of appreciated securities held longer than one year and is able to avoid paying capital gains tax that would be due if the donor sold the securities. For information on transferring securities, please contact the Finance Office.


Friends of Cottage Hill Christian Academy are also welcome to designate bequests to our school, allowing us to recognize their extraordinary commitment during their lifetime.

Commemorative Gifts

You may want to honor a friend with a special gift or perhaps you may want to give a gift in memory of a loved one. If so, a commemorative gift is your answer. We will notify those honored by these gifts. In the case of memorial gifts, a family member you choose to designate will be notified.

Other Ways to Give

A variety of other ways by which you can support Cottage Hill Christian Academy include gifts of property, charitable remainder trusts, and more.


If you are interested in these and other planned giving options, feel free to contact the school office at 251-634-2513.